Friday, August 29, 2008

CPM ideology -- totalitarian creed, says Kesavan Nair

CPM ideology -- totalitarian creed, says Kesavan Nair

Insight A Marxist leader evaluates his ideology
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 10:26 PM CDT

The poverty and politics of a totalitarian creed
(This article is based on the book written by Marxist leader P
Kesavan Nair. He is frustrated with Marxism and his expose has become a
bestseller in Malayalam.)

The economic concept of Gandhiji is based on renewable natural
resources. Authority and planning are decentralised in Gandhian
economics. The development is people oriented. The economic view of
Gandhiji gives prime importance to humanism.

By 20th century, the capitalism transformed into
imperialism. The past history of capitalism is the history of wars.
There is no proper statistics for the slayings and wars done by
imperialist forces to capture markets and fleece natural resources.
Only in World War II alone 50 million people were killed and another 50
million became handicapped.

The Iraq and Afghan wars were for petrol. Imperialism is the
pest of world environmental destruction, poverty and other social
evils. It imperils the economic security, food security, health
security individual personality development and environmental security,
social-cultural security and political security in all over the world.
It obliterates the individual culture of all the countries of the
world. The lone ‘consumption-culture’ of capitalism defected the world.
The Soviet communism, which came to the place of capitalism was nothing
but a state-capitalism.

It is the utilitarian capitalism implemented in the erstwhile
Soviet Union. The 75-year-long communist canon sowed un-describable
environmental hazards. Chernobyl disaster and dry-up of Aral Sea are
some among them. The social condition of Soviet Union was deplorable. A
society having all kinds of wickedness like bureaucracy, corruption,
black marketing, destituteness of the public, high mortality rate, high
infant-mortality, alcoholism and drugs was the residue left behind by
the communists bee in Soviet Union. Poverty, starvation,
social-inequalities are prevalent there. One of the slogans set forth
by the Chinese Communist party who is building up capitalism in the
guise of communism, is “making money is a divine action”. China is
endeavouring to defeat America in production and consumption, just like
the erstwhile Soviet Union earlier. As far as China is concerned, the
cat should catch the mouse whether the mouse is black or white. Red cat
is not necessary. The difference between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ are
sky-rocketing. In the world labour market China pays the lowest
remuneration. The flee from villages to cities in search of employment
is whopping. In China employment, food, health service, education are
not fundamental rights. The environmental degradation is appalling. All
rivers are polluted with chemical and organic wastes. Capitalist
culture is in the going and the ones motivated: Cuba and Vietnam are
highly backward countries. The state of North Korea is pitiful. The
North Koreans writhe under the wrath of dictatorship.

The economic theories of the father of our nation Mahatma
Gandhi come up as the substitute to the in-humaneness capitalism and
communism. Gandhian economics is based on Indian conceptions. It is
totally different from the modern economics based squarely on the
production and consumption. Gandhiji wrote, “The resources and
equipments to satisfy the needs of all people of the world is here. But
it cannot satisfy at least one person’s greed.” The economic concept of
Gandhiji is based on renewable natural resources. Authority and
planning are decentralised in Gandhian economics. The development is
people oriented. The economic view of Gandhiji gives prime importance
to humanism. The world famous philosophers Shoemaker, Fukuoka, Rachel
Carson, Frijoph Capra presented new economic thoughts substituting the
modern economics. Their economic views adhered to Buddhist views. Those
are generally known as Buddhist economists. The gist of Shoemaker’s
‘small is beautiful’ is this. The resources in earth are diminishing
due to ingestion. If it goes on like this, it will not sustain long.
Instead of big production centres, effective small production units are
to be implemented.

Machines and technical systems suitable to this should be the
challenge of the science and technology. Larger productions generating
unemployment should be avoided as far as possible. Production increases
only when everybody has employment; economical inequality is redressed.
New technologies should be in harmony with nature. The technology never
be nature destructive. When natural resources are consumed it should
bear only the loss due to the natural processing. Thus a system which
is harmonious to nature and man is to be expounded. Through small
consumption, the rightful lifestyle, the maximum golly is to be the
vision. The modern economists including Gandhiji consider man and
nature to be one and the same. Humanity can be salvaged only if the new
economic theories, brought forward as the substitute to western
classical economics is pragmatically implemented.

(Translated by Jayapradeep Viswanath)